Sapient Vendors Bags BusinessDay Award As One of The Top 100 Fastest Growing SMEs in Nigeria
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
The BusinessDay Top 100 Fastest Growing SMEs in Nigeria Awards of 2018 celebrates fast-growing SMEs that have been able to demonstrate great business excellence, ethical conduct, integrity, and social responsibility in the last business year. The award which is facilitated by BusinessDay in partnership with Bossman Nigeria, Coca-Cola, Google, NASD PLC and Aim Higher Africa
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CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT: How To Deliver Projects On Time and Within Budget
Friday, 24 November 2017
Managing construction projects is no small feat; the nature of construction itself entails several complex processes and parts that need to be carefully integrated. Construction project failures arise as a result of poorly managing the construction project so that it is delivered on time and within budget. To avoid this, here are a few tips
- Published in How To's
#TheSapientIMPACT: Our Client Profile and the Number of Repeat Businesses
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
#TheSapientIMPACT is our company’s contribution to the society in terms of job creation, value creation and Corporate Social Responsibility. In this post, we want to share our client profile and the number of repeat projects successfully delivered. MTN Nigeria Communications Limited = 17 Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative = 2 International Organisation for migration
- Published in Company News, Sapient Impact
How Multinationals in Nigeria Can Achieve Cost Predictability on Construction Projects Contracted to Vendors
Friday, 15 September 2017
Multinationals in Nigeria spread across various platforms and line of production from Oil and Gas, Telecommunications, Health and Wellness, Construction, Consumables, etc. To successfully operate their businesses in Nigeria, they rely on certain human resources internally and must forge certain business relationships externally. Part of such external business relationships they depend on are vendors to
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#TheSapientIMPACT: Total Jobs Created by Sapient Vendors in 2nd Quarter of 2017
Wednesday, 06 September 2017
#TheSapientIMPACT is our company’s contribution to the society in terms of job creation, value creation and Corporate Social Responsibility. And last year, we created a total number of 395 jobs (job creation), 13 projects (value creation) and 2 CSR. Total Jobs Created Per Project in 2017 2nd Quarter (Apr-June) In the second quarter of this
- Published in Company News, Sapient Impact
CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MANAGEMENT: 6 Safety Procedures to Prevent Accidents on Construction Sites in Nigeria
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
In the first post of the series on construction safety management, we highlighted the importance of developing a culture of safety in Nigeria’s construction industry. It was important we got the issue of safety culture out of the way before delving into the different construction safety measures to undertake on construction sites. Because without first
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#TheSapientIMPACT: Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contributions in Nigeria (2016-2017)
Friday, 23 June 2017
#TheSapientIMPACT is our company’s contribution to the society in terms of job creation, value creation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria. We’ve previously published two of our impacts in terms of job creation and number of projects executed across various states in Nigeria. In this post, we will be highlighting some of our CSR
- Published in Company News, Sapient Impact
CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MANAGEMENT: Developing a Culture of Safety on Construction Projects in Nigeria
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
A world class construction project execution is impossible without proper construction safety management. This is because the construction industry is prone to many hazards and accident potential. Construction materials, tools, machinery and handling techniques all come with their own dangers. So whether it’s a fall, a mechanical malfunction, or problems with exposure, construction workers can
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5 Common Challenges of Nigeria’s Construction Industry
Friday, 12 May 2017
The Nigerian construction industry is ripe with opportunities as we have previously discussed here. However, these opportunities are not without their own share of challenges, so in this post we will be looking at a couple of these challenges in Nigeria’s construction industry. 5 Common Challenges of Nigeria’s Construction Industry Scope Creep In Nigeria’s construction
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#TheSapientIMPACT: Total Jobs Created by Sapient Vendors in First Quarter of 2017
Monday, 08 May 2017
#TheSapientIMPACT is our company’s contribution to the society in terms of job creation and value creation. And last year, we created a total number of 395 jobs (job creation) and 13 projects (value creation). Total Jobs Created Per Project in 2017 First Quarter (Jan-March) This year, starting from the first quarter, January to March 2017,
- Published in Company News, Sapient Impact