How would you like to get a solution that will help you reduce construction cost by a significant number? Sure you will like to know what you can do.
As opposed to the perception that building project is expensive and only the very rich can complete a building project at a record time.
Many have complained that lack of money as a reason for the delay in completion of a building project. With Sapient Vendors, you wouldn’t have to experience delay your building project.
Indeed a construction is a capital project and a lot more goes into its planning. Building within a budget is essential if your business is to be successful.
It’s also vital that you’re proactive and on the front foot when it comes to putting in systems and strategies that stifle over-spend and mean you don’t have to find more money when work is in progress.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: 5 Unusual Solutions That Will Reduce
Construction Cost By 40%
We share with you 5 possible solutions that will reduce construction cost by a whopping 40%!
Workflow basically consists of all the processes involved from the point at which you decided to build a physical structure to the point of execution and completion.
In construction, there are different phases, and each has its own peculiarity and has to be handled by qualified professional.
An uncoordinated workflow is one of the reasons why we sometimes spend many months constructing what would have taken less period of time to complete.
It is important to note that every building is a new design with its own particularities; every building checklist is new, too.
Having a proper construction workflow helps you to predict accurately the number of individuals for each task, and also a good way to fulfill the contractual agreement you have with your contractors or clients.
That way you are able to put your contractors on their toes.
A workflow can save you a lot of money because you won’t have to pay for one service more than once, except you have a pre-contractual agreement.
Cost estimation is as important as your budget, upon getting quotes, it is important to verify and compare figures, taking into consideration how funny inflation can be.
If you get an estimate 6 months before you commence your building project, you might likely have a change in price; because it is really not easy to predict when it comes to construction.
In this regard, request for a more recent estimate, you might be lucky to even spend less than the initial estimate, but will not advise you base your fate on luck, remember there is no best time to make the right decision.
It’s an open secret, when you buy what you need in bulk, you get more value for your money; firstly you reduce the cost per unit of an item and also reduce the time travel.
You also get to save yourself of the annoying logistics headache, since buying in bulk will mean transporting most of the things you need at once.
While buying in bulk, one needs to be cautious because some dealers can smuggle some substandard items to your order. Always ensure that while getting your building materials ensure that the products are of statutory standard.
Getting a construction vendor like Sapient Vendors will save you a lot of time in this regard.
Having to reconstruct a part of a building because you suddenly realized you need more space or you have thought you have too many big rooms, is one way we exceed building budgets.
Your architectural design should be well scrutinized before construction starts (you will need a professional to get this done); a building is not only about the design but it should suit the purpose for which it been built.
When you count the cost of bringing down a part of a building and the logistics involved you will realize that you are spending more than you have budgeted for, which will obviously affect the proposed date of completion.
Top construction vendors have been able to develop a reliable digital footprint, that is, they have an online presence, and you can check for a company profile online and see reviews from other customers.
A portfolio can also be viewed on the company’s website; here is an example of a project portfolio.
A company is as good as it last project, if peradventure you can’t have access to the company’s website, check for their social media channels. Some are notorious to charging exorbitant amount without giving you the value they promised.
Be guided!
We hope these few points will allay your fears of owning a building, construction is not as expensive as you were made to believe, the problem has always been the ‘process’.
If you get the workflow right, strictly work on budget and timing you will get the result you desire. Having a trusted construction company would take you far as well.
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Great write up,
-In addition, one can invest in safety to avoid unforeseen delays and incidents,
-Value Engineering and design with Topnotch Engineering software’s and devices to reduce costs and delays in construction.
-Lesson learnt and outputs for previous cost estimate template should be sorted and redeveloped from time to time.