We’ve been duly notified of a fictitious email going around claiming that we are recruiting. Please do ignore such email because it is not from us. It’s a SCAM!
Here are the disclaimers:
- We are not “Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd”, our full company is name Sapient Vendors Ltd.
- This is not our email address: recruiter.sapientvendors@engineer.com our official email addresses ends with the company’s domain @SapientVendors.com.ng NOT @engineer.com which is a domain that does not exist.
- We don’t have any “Williams Tunde” in our management team; you can visit this page to see our current management team.
- This is NOT a valid contact address “Lagos Yaba Mainland Nigeria” by any standard. Our official contact addresses are on our contact page, click here.
- And finally, if we were recruiting, we would have published it on our website to officially inform the public just as we’ve done now to publicly disclaim this scam!
We sincerely apologies for any inconveniences this might have caused anyone and also thank those who have been proactive enough to reconfirm from us after getting the recruitment scam email.
Update 1
We conducted a research on the said ‘Williams Tunde‘ with the dedicated number +2348094303347, the same number is not associated with Williams Tunde but Anthony Agu of A.A. Investment (possibly another scam company).
The same number is confirmed from our research and intel from the telecommunication service provider. We have commenced necessary investigation and soon he would be brought to justice.
The said Anthony Agu has a long history of internet fraud.
We hereby use this to reinforce our statement that we are not currently recruiting, and if we plan to recruit it would be advertised on our website.
We appreciate our faithful followers for bringing this to our notice.
Update 2
Below is a sample of the SCAM contract letter sent out by the culprit ‘Williams Tunde’ for your attention. Be warned!
Below is the content of the Recruitment SCAM email:
Dear Candidate.
Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd is a Construction Company in Nigeria with 9 years track record of providing practical engineering solutions on over 38 construction projects for Residential, Commercial and Industrial clients across diverse industries. Specializing in the Technical, Engineering, Scientific and Skilled Trades sectors.
We are recruiting experienced and skilled candidates and have seen your profession details posted on www.linkedin.com which has been shortlisted and recommended to our Human Resources/Recruitment Department.
Hence, below is our official brief applicant Online Application interview for you to complete and send back to us via email, alongside with a copy of your Updated CV, Identification and qualifications.
Tell us about yourself.
Why do you want this job?
When were you most satisfied in your job?
What were the responsibilities of your last position?
List three positions you are applying
What is your current salary?
What is your expected salary?
Why are you leaving your present job?
Are you willing to relocate?
Full Name
Present Address
Permanent Address
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Marital Status
Your application will be evaluated on the basis of the answers from the Application/ Questionnaire details alongside your Resume and you will surely be notified upon review of your whole submitted information.
Also be informed that our salary scale and work benefits are based on evaluation of candidate’s qualification, nevertheless, we assure candidates all the best of our very attractive and suitable entitlements.
Below are the current and available positions where candidates are needed:-
* Pipeline Engineer/Piping Designer
* Asst. Manager
* Project Management
* Civil Engineering
* Graphic Designer
* QA/QC Engineer
* Petroleum Engineering
* Geophysicist / Astrophysicist
* Telecommunication Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
* Executive Secretary
* Surveying Engineer
* Technical and Material Control
* Electrical Engineering
* Laundries
* Steward
* Catering Manager
* Conference Manager
* Head Chef
* Bookkeeping
* Customer care services
* Database Administrators
* Data Warehouse
* Network & System Engineers
* Nurse/Medical Doctor/ Health Officer
* Procurement Manager
* Personnel Management
* Logistic/Warehouse Supervisor
* Maintenance Engineering
* Chemical Engineering
* Document controllers
* Project Manager
* Computer Engineering
* Architect Engineer
* Marine Engineer
* Welder
* Machine operators
* Administration Management
* Driller /Offshore and Onshore Engineers
* Accountant/ Account Manager
* Site Engineers
* Cad Engineer/Draftsman
* Business development manager
* Water Engineering
* Material Engineering
* Technical and Material Control
* Operation Engineering
* Planning Engineer
* Safety, HSE/Security officers
* Sales Manager/Supervisor
* Emergency Medical Officers – Doctors/Nurses
A cooperate project management team, engineering, procurement, construction, transportation, installation, safety, drawing, Designs, Geological services, maintenance, financial and commissioning.
We have lots of undergoing project and non-commissioned projects.
Entitlement, Compensation and Benefits packages include:
. Quality single or family housing accommodation in company community.
. Free medical care for employee and family.
. Excellent educational assistance benefits with family status employment.
. Paid airfares allowance full flexibility with holiday travel.
. Personal effects shipment and excess baggage allowances.
. Full access to some of the finest and social recreational facilities.
24 Months, (Two Year) and renewable only on satisfactory performance by employee.
These required documents should be submitted for fast processing; also note that your information will be screened and we will get back to you, ONLY if you are found qualified to join our working team.
Note: Multiple submission of Cv/resume disqualifies your application.
Good luck! As you take steps to the right path in building your career.
Williams Tunde,
Recruitment Director
Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd
Lagos Yaba Mainland Nigeria
Respected Sir
This is Mr Ranjit Laskar from India and presently I am working in Saudi Arabia as a Camp Boss. If you have any vacancy related to my job like Camp Boss/ Food Service Manager/Event & Recreation Manager etc. Pls inform me, so that I will apply for the same.
Ranjit Laskar
Mob : +966 54 775 3831
Hi Ranjit,
We acknowledge receipt of your message,though we are not likely to recruit in the category mentioned,but if such opportunity presents itself,you would be informed.
I am so sorry reading this.
I recieved the mentioned email almost 15 days ago, of course I replied it, and then they told me I had been accepted with a very attractive offer.
I am a metallurgical engineer with 11 years experience in construction projects.
Hi Julia,As mentioned in our disclaimer statement,such recruitment is not associated with our brand Sapient Vendors Ltd. A lot of the advertised opening are not job openings we would typically recruit for.
Thanks for reaching out.
…And this is the reply they give once the (trusting or naive) applicant-one of my students- sends the application letter:
Dear XXX,
This is a declaration that your Experiences and Qualifications where found suitably qualified for the requirements of Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd Nigeria.
The document attached is the standard terms for purpose relation to your offer of employment with Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd Nigeria, the contingent agreement is at-will upon your acceptance, and you have been accepted as well as invited you by the Management, to work and live in Nigeria in resuming duties on the record date.
Please kindly go through the Appointment Offer letter; if the terms are suitable to you, indicate your acceptance by signing in the required space; forward a scan copy of the signed pages back to Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd management for further endorsement.
Hence submit a copy to Bruce Chambers, Solicitors, for the acquisition of your valid visa and residence permit papers and also guide you in success of your entry to Nigeria.
Contact Details:
Bruce Chambers, Solicitors
Address: Suite A25/26 Abuja Shopping Mall Maputo Street,
Wuse Zone 3 Abuja
Email: Barr.KelvinBruce@legislator.com
Tel: +2347032224895
Barrister Bruce is our Legislator authorize advocate for visa and resident permit paper procurements, to our entire foreign expatriate and he is working under Nigeria Immigration services.So you are expected to furnish us with the necessary relevant documents before 10 working days to enable us Prepare your Flight Ticket ready through assistance of Bruce Chambers, Solicitors for your departure to service with the Team.
The management will schedule the departure date with you as soon as will confirm your visa.
Always update us your communication with Bruce Chambers, Solicitors in case of advice where necessary, also indicate your visa type with them, single or family visa, and ensure you complied with their necessary requirement for the immediate process before the stipulated date.
Be informed that once the process is completed your hard copies with our official stamp will be delivered to any postal address of your choice along with your visa information through Nigeria Immigration Services
Williams Tunde,
Recruitment Director
Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd
2nd Floor Enterprise Bank Building,
Egunjemi Street, Dugbe, Ibadan Oyo
State,Lagos Yaba Mainland Nigeria
Tel: +2348094303347
Hi Maria,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have sent out a disclaimer statement with web link http://sapientvendors.com.ng/recruitment-scam-email-disclaimer/.
Any official communication from Sapient Vendors would be from company’s domain @SapientVendors.com.ng NOT @engineer.com,and Bruce Chamber Solicitors is not associated with our organization in anyway.
We would take necessary measures to report this fraudulent act to the appropriate authority and telecommunication company.
We conducted a research on the said Williams Tunde with the dedicated number +2348094303347,the same number is not associated with Williams Tunde but Anthony Agu of A.A Investment ,same number is confirmed from our research and intel from the telecommunication service provider. We have commenced necessary investigation and soon he would be brought to justice.
The said Anthony Agu has a long history of internet fraud.
We hereby use this reinforce our statement that we are not recruiting,and if we plan to recruit it would be advertised on our website.
We appreciate our faithful followers for bringing this to our notice.
Walter Emiedafe
For your attention sir ,We to introduce TEJOC GEOSERVICES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED to you. We are essentially a GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL outfit specializing in various aspects of the fields stated about. With your kind permission, we would like to send our BUSINESS PROFILE to for Business concerns and consideration. Thanks.
Send to cs@sapientvendors.com.ng.
hello I excuse the trouble I just received this proposal in which you are mentioned and the company in which you work, please looking for you answered emails I see that this is a fraud this is correct?
from and I am grateful for your reply
Dear Raul XXX
This is a declaration that your Experiences and Qualifications where found suitably qualified for the requirements of Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd Nigeria.
The document attached is the standard terms for purpose relation to your offer of employment with Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd Nigeria, the contingent agreement is at-will upon your acceptance, and you have been accepted as well as invited you by the Management, to work and live in Nigeria in resuming duties on the record date.
Please kindly go through the Appointment Offer letter; if the terms are suitable to you, indicate your acceptance by signing in the required space; forward a scan copy of the signed pages back to Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd management for further endorsement.
Hence submit a copy to Bruce Chambers, Solicitors, for the acquisition of your valid visa and residence permit papers and also guide you in success of your entry to Nigeria.
Contact Details:
Bruce Chambers, Solicitors
Address: Suite A25/26 Abuja Shopping Mall Maputo Street,
Wuse Zone 3 Abuja
Email: Barr.KelvinBruce@legislator.com
Tel: +2347032224895
Barrister Bruce is our Legislator authorize advocate for visa and resident permit paper procurements, to our entire foreign expatriate and he is working under Nigeria Immigration services.So you are expected to furnish us with the necessary relevant documents before 10 working days to enable us Prepare your Flight Ticket ready through assistance of Bruce Chambers, Solicitors for your departure to service with the Team.
The management will schedule the departure date with you as soon as will confirm your visa.
Always update us your communication with Bruce Chambers, Solicitors in case of advice where necessary, also indicate your visa type with them, single or family visa, and ensure you complied with their necessary requirement for the immediate process before the stipulated date.
Be informed that once the process is completed your hard copies with our official stamp will be delivered to any postal address of your choice along with your visa information through Nigeria Immigration Services
Williams Tunde,
Recruitment Director
Sapient Vendors Engineering Solutions Ltd
2nd Floor Enterprise Bank Building,
Egunjemi Street, Dugbe, Ibadan Oyo
State,Lagos Yaba Mainland Nigeria
Tel: +2348094303347
Hi Raul,
Thanks for bringing this to our notice,we posted a disclaimer statement on our website http://sapientvendors.com.ng/recruitment-scam-email-disclaimer/ , hence we shall not be liable for any loss,damage or inconvenience suffered by any person(s).
Kindly terminate any further communication with both Williams Tunde and Bruce Chambers.
I am from Perú. I have recieved the same scam mail, even so they call me to explain “the process to apply” And I supouse to ask me why I did not make the payment yet (605 USD) the man spoke fast and hang up suddenly, they also sent me a Nigeria Visa Application Form.
Thanks for clarifying this.
Jony is one of prospective victim of this recruitment scammers that sought for more information and authenticate the recruitment advert.
We are available on all social channels to answer your questions,do not hesitate to contact us,this scammers are trying to rid you off your hard earned income ,do not encourage them.
Jony,kindly share the phone number of the said Bruce Chamber solicitor,as an update to the viewing public.
Walter Emiedafe